SwitchPoint Inspection
KRAB84.09 can be used for switch point inspection as an option. The extra auxiliary rollers for flange groove width measuring have to be mounted on the basic trolley.
Measuring program is provided by special part of switch point measuring. Extra analysis software SWITCH™ is available for off-line data manipulation, analysis and the Inspection Report print out. The switch point is understood as an integral part of the track. So, the regular scanning of the track geometry values runs at background and important discrete location of the switch points are measured in detail when trolley stops.
The trolley has to be provided by two special shoulders bearing isolated rollers. These shoulders are applicable to existing trolley as an additional part. The rollers can be lift up to transporting position and activate to measuring position very easily:
The rollers measure:
- groove of the guard rail
- groove of the wing rail and frog
- backgauge
Basic technical data:
- Mass of shoulders: +6 kg
- Accuracy: better then 1mm for all switch values
Extra part of measuring program KrabXvNET supports the data collecting at discrete switch location in the form of special events. Each such event contains the name of the station, switch nr. measured values and values coming from visual inspection.
This advanced software tool automatically couples the main and turnout branches of the switches, parses the events and builds Switch Inspection Report.